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The Development of Movie Poster

Digital Manipulate Art, created by Photoshop, 8.5 x 11 inches

- I see film posters have been developed a lot so far. Artists used traditional materials to create film posters in which they painted or used block print techniques. When technology was developed, artists made film posters from digital materials, from simple to complex. In this project, I reenactment a film poster through the ages. This project is an art Manipulation that was created entirely by Photoshop.

2000's Movie Poster

Digital Manipulate Art, created by Photoshop, 8.5 x 11 inches

00s Teenager Movie Poster

- This poster is a part of the development of film posters. However, its concept doesn’t match the rest, so I separate it. This poster was inspired by popular in the 2000s, Sabrina, the Teenage Witch. I use the blank background as Sabrina the Teenage Witch’s poster. I turn the character back to the 2000s by make-up.  

Manipulate Poster

Digital Manipulate Art, created by Photoshop, 8.5 x 11 inches

Manipulate Poster

- The drink poster's purpose is to attract customers, so it is supposed to look appealing. Drinks actually can look attractive if we know to present them in front of the camera. However, I think it also can look attractive if I apply some effects to it. So, I used Photoshop to adjust colors, create effects, edit composition. 

The Transformation

Digital Manipulate Art, created by Photoshop, 10 x 10 inches,

- Horror films inspired me. I am very impressed with a make-up artist who can transform someone into a zombie or devil with make-up tools. So, I used Photoshop as a make-up tool to transfer someone into a horror movie character. 

Horror Book Cover

Digital Manipulate Art, created by Photoshop & In Design, 20.095 x 9.25 inches

Horror Book Cover

- I make a book cover for the Ring book (1991) about a horror story about a devil come from television. So, I create a gloom and horror atmosphere. In the book cover font, I want to create old television sense, so I glitch effect by Photoshop. In the back cover, the back background surrounds the retro television aim the scary feeling from the television that transfers to the atmosphere around. I want to convey the sense of unknown or the macabre to the viewers through the book cover.

Children's Thoughts

Digital Manipulate Art, created by Photoshop, 20 x 11.25 inches

Children's Thoughts

- When I was a child, I believed that a fairy world existed where many fairies, elves, tiny people, mythical animals. I want to express my childhood imagination on something which everyone can see it. I decided the picture my fairy world by using manipulation techniques. I feel digital material somehow makes my artwork more vibrant. Through this project, when computer graphics combine with art, it can create a visual story.

Chanel N°5 Advertising

Digital Manipulate Art, created by Photoshop, 34 x 26 inches

Chanel N°5 Advertising

- I was asked to make a poster with Channel perfume. When I think Channel, sexy and feminist is two world pop-out of my mind. So, I used a night sky background to create a dreamy scene. I apply some dim light on the model to make a sexy sense. The blur effect and water reflection help increase nostalgic scenes because they create unrealistic sense. I used the serif font instead of script font for the long text because I didn't want confused viewers' eyes.

Drinks Advertising

Digital Manipulate Art, 8.5 x 11 inches, created by Photoshop

- I incorporated with Ding Tea house and assisted in creating advertising posters. I observed that most people tend to look at dishes or drinks' images before ordering, especially for the first time. They usually select the dishes/drinks images that look impressive or attractive. So, I conclude that using photos taken directly from a phone or DSLR camera without touch up doesn't have high effective advertising. Instead, I use a wide range of tools and effects of Photoshop to touch them up to create an appealing sense. Through these advertising posters, I believe that they can consider as artwork because of their appeal. The advertising poster has the attractiveness of art, including a smooth interaction between line, color, texture, shape, and size that is pleasing to the senses can be pleasing to sense.

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